NoMoCo Pillow vs. Standard Pillow
An fMRI Study of Motion Artifact During a Bilateral Finger-Tapping Task
The preceding graphs represents the results from a study of normal controls performing a finger-tapping task during an fMRI session. Twenty subjects were randomly assigned to two groups, one using standard pillows and the other the NoMoCo Pillow Support System for positioning their head in the scanner. Data were collected using a GE 3 Tesla magnet and eight channel head coil. Subjects completed two - 3 minute, 60 repetition bilateral finger tapping tasks administered consecutively. Subjects were set up with the same head support configuration.
The two scans were concatenated and analyzed using the Analysis of Functional NeuroImages (AFNI) software. A between-group analysis was performed on the six rotational and translation movement parameters.
Significant differences were reported in the Pitch and Superior-Inferior Shift directions between the two groups, with the NoMoCo Pillow Support System demonstrating less head motion overall. These two parameters can be especially vulnerable to motion if the subject does not have sufficient head and neck support. The NoMoCo Pillow Support System was designed with these two challenges in mind--in addition to creating an overall head support system.